Christian Grief Poems

Christian grief poems provide comfort to the bereaved with a focus on heaven and eternal life with Christ.

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5 AMP)

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Debbra Bronstad-Riemann, Grief Recovery CoachDebbra Bronstad-Riemann, LMFT, Grief Recovery Coach MI #4101006638


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Rebecca Ruter Springer

O joys that are gone, will you ever return
To gladden our hearts as of yore?
Will we find you awaiting us, some happy morn?
When we drift to Eternity’s shore?
Will dear eyes meet our own, as in days that are past?
Will we thrill at the touch of a hand?
O joys that are gone, will we find you at last
On the shores of that wonderful land?


  Mrs. H.M. Reasoner

Many friends that traveled with me
Reached heaven’s portal long ago:
One by one they left me battling
With the dark and crafty foe.
They are watching at the portal,
They are waiting at the door;
Waiting only for my coming –
The beloved ones gone before.

More Christian Grief Poems

  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

She is not dead – the child of our affection
But gone unto that school
Where she no longer needs our poor protection,
And Christ himself doth rule.

Day after day we think what she is doing
In those bright realms of air;
Year after year, her tender steps pursuing,
Behold her grown more fair.

Christian Counseling Available

If you desire Christian counseling to help you heal, please call me at 248-929-5354. With 12 years of experience as a church counselor, Bible study leader and women's ministry leader, I have encouraged many in their Christian faith as they deal with loss and other trials of life. Let me help you draw closer to God or reconnect during this difficult time.

Ask me about how Transformation Prayer Ministry (formerly called Theophostic Prayer Ministry) can help heal painful memories and triggers that make it difficult to resolve the pain of a broken heart. God's promise's you His peace. Let me help you find His promises faithful in your life.

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