Write a Grief Poem?

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Debbra Bronstad-Riemann, Grief Recovery CoachDebbra Bronstad-Riemann, LMFT, Grief Recovery Coach MI #4101006638


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Me, Write a grief poem? I had not written poetry since I took a creative writing class in high school and had to mass produce to make the due dates. I still feel sorry for the instructor who had to read my repetitive sixteen-year-old longings for some boy in school to notice me.

After some relatives passed away just before Thanksgiving, we went to pack up the belongings of their home. The experience revived my sadness at the loss of his wife, the year before. Now, not only were they both gone, but there was a loss associated with the home we visted and spent holidays for many years. There was a certain finality this time. Now we knew we would not see them again until we see them in their home in heaven. A friend recommended a book to me the day after my father-in-law died called, “My Dream of Heaven” by Rebecca Ruter Springer.

It immediately helped me to “set my mind on things above” (Colossians 3:2). I was comforted as I considered the joyful reunion this elderly couple were having after their year of separation following 72 years of marriage on earth. Many of the chapters of the book began with a poem which soothed my aching soul. That’s when the thought occurred to me to write a poem to express the ache of my throbbing heart.

I wrote two poems a week after the loss which I will share here:

Grief Knocking on the Wall of My Heart
Debbra Bronstad

Not yet
I’m not ready
Grief is knocking on the wall of my heart
Ready to be let out

But I say
Not yet
I’m not ready
Wait for a better time

Read, eat, work, later
When is a better time?
Grief knocking on the wall of my heart
Ready to be let out

Teardrop, memory, let the flow spill out
Crying, cleansing, healing
One step closer

Less grief knocking on the wall of my heart
For the moment
Peaceful, hopeful, tearful

Debbra Bronstad

The color of my soul this morning
No motivation
Empty rooms where life used to be
Dingy walls, cobwebs, barren
How long will we stay inside?

Go out into the sunlight
See the blue sky and whispy clouds
Walk barefoot on the grass
And feel again.


Now it's your turn to write a poem.

I invite you to share your poem here. I would love to hear what it was like for you to write your own grief poem. Please share below.

Write your own grief poem to express your heart.

Now its your turn to write a grief poem. Let yourself become still. When a thought comes, write it down. It doesn’t have to be poetry. This is simply an opportunity for you to invite your heart to feel and express itself. Ask your heart, “What do you want to say today?”

Poems from other Visitors...

Click below to see the poems contributed by other visitors to this page...Be sure to add a comment if your heart is touched by their poetic expression. Your comments will encourage us all!

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Click here to write your own.