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Debbra Bronstad, Grief Recovery CoachDebbra Bronstad, LMFT, Grief Recovery Coach MI #4101006638


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Most people are uncomfortable dealing with loss.  The natural human emotions that accompany a significant loss are often overwhelming and confusing.  Those feelings can be disorienting. As a result, it is tempting to try to escape these uncomfortable feelings.

Are you dealing with grief by running away from your feelings?

Are you dealing with loss by running away from your feelings?

  • drinking to numb the pain
  • sitting in front of the TV or computer excessively
  • abusing prescription drugs
  • overeating and/or eating junk food
  • withdrawal from social relationships
  • working too much
  • returning to compulsive behaviors you previously had control over
  • cutting or mutilating your body
  • using illegal drugs

Anything that we do to avoid the feelings of grief lengthens the grieving process in the long run.

There are specific steps that are necessary to resolve the intensity of the pain of grief. Pain is the natural indicator that these tasks have not been completed.

The excessive pain of grief may be associated with guilt, anger, traumatic images in your mind about someone's death, or your last argument. Any unfinished business in the relationship will lead to difficulty in resolving the grief.  Using the above coping mechanisms will interfere with healthy healing and healthy relationships. Grief recovery is a way to relieve the pain in a healing way that may help reduce the symptoms of unhealthy ways to deal with loss.

Grieving with Grace is an online support community that meets weekly to answer questions and help you take the next steps in healing your heart after loss.

Grieving with Grace can help you for develop a plan to restore happiness and peace in your life.  You can complete the unfinished business in a relationship, even when the other person is not present.  It is not too late.

Consider working with a professional grief counselor or an addiction specialist if you are not able to stop using harmful substances on your own.

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